It is better ti grow up with siblings than without because when we have siblings, we have the advantages that we are not alone.I have one sister and she is older than me, I usually obtain many advantages from her. For example, when I want to exercise my sister and I are usually together. When I am in trouble, I figure it out with my sister and I gain love from her. She always give me sensible words, where I get strength. I prefer to grow up with siblings because it will help people with living and so that when we lose our parents, we must have someone to depend on. However, our sisters or brothers depend on God.
2012년 3월 25일 일요일
It is better ti grow up with siblings than without because when we have siblings, we have the advantages that we are not alone.I have one sister and she is older than me, I usually obtain many advantages from her. For example, when I want to exercise my sister and I are usually together. When I am in trouble, I figure it out with my sister and I gain love from her. She always give me sensible words, where I get strength. I prefer to grow up with siblings because it will help people with living and so that when we lose our parents, we must have someone to depend on. However, our sisters or brothers depend on God.
Music and arts serve an important role in our society.
Some say that high school students should not waste their time on music and art
in high school. However, I believe that they should definitely learn music and
arts in secondary school; they can relieve
To being with, people can
relieve their stress easily if they learn music and arts. Nowadays, we can see
in the media that, there are many students who relieve their stress by smoking
and taking drugs. However, if they learn how to play instruments and draw
paintings, they will be able to manage their stresses in a healthy way. For
instance, the world famous scientist Albert Einstein relieved his stresses by
playing the violin. Although he was not much of an artist, he said that it really helped him relax
and was a get away for his daily routine. Moreover, when I was studied abroad in the Philippines, since it was my first time abroad, I was hindered by language
barrier and homesickness. However, by drawing my own cartoon characters and by
making comic strips, I was able to overcome the hardships. Hence, since
students can relieve stress and relax, students.
All in all, high school
students should definitely be required to study music and arts. First, they can
find their potentials. In addition, they can relieve stress in a healthy and a
beneficial way. Hence, in order to learn a healthy way of relieving stress and
finding their potentials, students should learn music and arts in school.
2012년 3월 18일 일요일
I have been practicing drama for 4 weeks. At first time, I sucked at my role which is prince. I think we were all sucked, so I had no idea about what I was doing and I thought we had no hope. However, few weeks later, we began to improve and everything has changed. For example, every students felt confident to each other when they were acting.I felt surprised and I realized that when we enjoy what we are doing, we can do our best and we can improve a lot. I hope we just have fun when we practice and succeed in our performance.
Let's go GRADE 9
I believe that every people have their own talents. If we want to know what are our talents, what should we do? How can we find our talents?
First, talents are something you are born with. Anyone can sing, but only someone with talents can sing well. A skill can be taught or learned and your skill can be increased with practice, but a talent is something you just have. However, how can we find our own talents? we should experience many things that it makes us feel happy and enjoyable. For my experience, I did not know that I had a talent with saxophone.However, when I was in middle school, my mom forced me to play the saxophone. I did not want to play it because I never played it and I just did not like instrument. I just practiced only few minutes and I stopped, but people said me that I am good at it, so I was happy and I practiced harder that before. In fact, I am good at it now and that is my talent.
In my personal opinion, we want to know what are our talents, we must experience a lot of things and also we must keep asking me that what am I good in.
2012년 3월 12일 월요일
Our exam is over. I am so happy about it :). I realized something when I was studying. I had a lot of things to do in an one day. I did not study for a long time and I just feel rush to study in an one day. I though I do not need to study for a long test because I already studied everything. However, my choice was wrong. When I was taking a test, I was not sure about the answers, so I guessed. I am expecting me to be a better person. I want to get all A, if I can. I want to be a good person
Happiness of church
I believe that people must have their own religion. Religion helps us to live when we have problems. Life is not that easy and it is not too easy to overcome, if we do not have our own religion. I am a christian. I believe in God. People say that where is God? and Have ever seen God? I can not reply that answer, but that is not only way to believe in God. For example, In Korea, people do not see historian person, but they believe what they did. That is same thing for me. I have not seen him, but I can feel my mind. Sometimes, when I pray he gives me better choice and give me strong faith. I do not force people to believe in God. I just suggest them to try to believe him at least you are alive. I have a good experience. I had a big problem from the school. I broke the window and I fought with my friends. My parents are really strict and sensitive about that things , so I have no one to talk about it. However, I prayed because when I pray something gives me strength and feel confident. That time I believe that God can come my mind, can be my friends and everything can be Jesus. In fact, I must respect everything like that is God for me.
2012년 3월 5일 월요일
Grade 9
4 days after, our examination will begin. I imagine that most students study for our examination, even if the time is late. Why do we study for our examination? because of our future and we can help people by our information.
Sam who is studying very hard is a diligent student. My dream is becoming a dentist. If I want to become a dentist, what should I do? First, I need to get a good grade from my school which is MIT International School. Sometimes, most students are tired of studying because studying is hard, boring, and complicated. That is why some students give up or do not study hard anymore. However, if I were them, I would think about my dream which is dentist and also I will think that it is too early giving up. If I become a dentist, I will help poor people for sure. They have worse situation than me, but I am not. That makes me feel a better person and study hard.
I love to teach someone, If I do not know something very well. When I was young I disliked to study because I could not understand and I could not teach to any friends. However, when I entered in Middle school, I was interested in studying. I could understand what teachers are talking about and it was so interesting to learn a new thing. Especially, I loved to teach my information to my friends because they were interested in studying because of me. I felt like I was a teacher and they respected me. Sometimes, we shared our information, therefore I also could make friends by studying.
In fact, studying is not bad because it gives our dream and sometimes it gives some friends. However, in the world, there is no free because we must give time for it and sometimes we suffered by it. But I will never miss this chance.
Soccer is my friend
I love soccer and soccer loves me too
I love soccer because it is a beautiful game of passion, fun, skill, endurance, smarts. I love soccer because it commands the respect of the world and it creates places like these very famous where we can yell and scream at each other for fun and laugh afterwards. When I play soccer, I can make friends at a short period. Soccer is a group work which means we must work together. That is why I love soccer. When I was in middle school, I did not smile. However, when I was playing soccer with people, I already smiled with them. That time, I realized that when I do what I like it makes me feel happy. I prefer people to play soccer or exercise because you will be healthy and exercise gives you a better thoughts.
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