2012년 2월 27일 월요일

Tom's Birthday

We had Tom's birthday :) 
We went to the Festival Mall for Tom's birthday party at the Shakey's. I was excited to eat food and play with my friends. I will always be happy because of my good friends. I do not know about Tom very much , but we trust each other and respect each other, so we are good friends. I love Tom because he is always positive, smille, and help us like a family. If  I were rich, I would buy biggest cake in the world. However, I am not rich ,so when I grow up I will consider of that :) 

New Family

      Few weeks ago three new students came MIT international school. I was nice to meet them because our family member increased. I was sure that they love our classmates because we respect each other, love each other and hlep each other. I learned something when I was studying with three new students which are Jacob, Kevin, and Solomon. Jacob who was quite, studious, and kind. Kevin who was a little bit naughty, playful, and sleepy.Solonmon who was talkative, playful, and noisy. At first time, they were so respectful because they did not know us yet, but few days ago they were not respecful anymore because they already knew us well and they felt comfortable with us. Therefore we sometimes had a conflict with them. In fact, even if we are closer, we must respect each other. I liked them very much because they was funny and reminded us a various memory. Thnank you Jacob, kevin , and Solomon

2012년 2월 19일 일요일

Ice skating

I went to the south mall for enjoy my weekend. I was freaking cold in the ice court.
I had fun with my home mate who is studying in grade 9. I was nervous to accelerate my speed because I saw that my friend fell down on the court. After ice skating, we went shopping. I was looking for some clothes and I bought some. 

I was surprised about the price, but I bought it because I really liked the color and quality of the material. I think few mouths I can not buy anything until my guardian give me salary. 


English class was so funny :)
All students got each characters. For me, Ms.May suggested me to act Prince...I was hard to act prince because I had never acted another character. However, Ms.May gave a strength. She told me that Sam is handsome and have a great face. That words make me kind of confident person. My voice was weird, but I felt that I be a better character. I always realize that Ms.May teach us new things and we learn something everyday. In fact, I really appreciate with that.

My role

Prince: evangelious...that lowly book worm has taken my throne.... i shall have my revenge.

Prince: but count, I can't help but to ask you. why are you helping me?

Prince: I guess we share something common, count.

Prince: good...good...now all we need is an assassin to kill him after being thrown out of the country...

Prince: non of your business, go away lowly imbecile.

Prince: you are an assassin?

Prince: (looks mad still) the target is king evangelious.

Prince: well, things are going too well... don't you agree count?

Prince: let's have a toast.

Prince: tomorrow is the big day is it count?

Prince: well, order a round! i will be buying all of you a drink for today is such a joyful day!

The Prince is an arrogant person and he believe that he is a best person and control everything.

2012년 2월 13일 월요일

My work from class.


Where are you chance?
you are so mysterious 
sometimes, I can see you
but you disappear so quickly

For meeting you, I dream for you
I strive to be with you
It is hard to meet you
but it is easy to miss you

I am confident to grab you
I am ready to run with you
you make me shiny like a star
I know you are not for away from me

I grab opportunity
I am holding you



Before I moved here in Manila, I was in subic.What was my motivation to move here? My guardian suggested me to study here in Manila because this place is having better educational system. 

I firstly went to the school which was MIT International School. I was litter bit nervous because most students are new to me and I had no enough information about Manila.
I was worried about my classmates because they did not talk to me, they looked at me like a strange person.However, few weeks later I realized that I was thinking wrong about my classmates.

My classmates are AWESOME . They are so generous, kind, funny, and interesting. But sometimes they are scary... Kidding. Especially, my teacher is really nice who is teacher May. I like this school because I have valuable friends and teachers. I really prefer this school to students.

My work from class.


Where are you chance?
you are so mysterious 
sometimes, I can see you
but you disappear so quickly

For meeting you, I dream for you
I strive to be with you
It is hard to meet you
but it is easy to miss you

I am confident to grab you
I am ready to run with you
you make me shiny like a star
I know you are not for away from me

I grab opportunity
I am holding you